Tuesday 4 May 2010


Okay everytime i seem to go to university i get distracted and have an urge to go looking around the shops even though i seriously have no room for clothes, i keep having to put things back in the wash because i simply dont have the room at all lol.
"Statistics, however, are not on my side. British women spent £17.9 billion on clothes, £2 billion on shoes and £2.5 billion on underwear last year, according to Mintel. The average wedding now costs over £20,000, implying that plenty of couples are more concerned with canapés and cut flowers than they are with, say, a sizeable deposit for their first home" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/3559358/Shopping-obsession-sells-women-short.html

The article below annoys me that i am a high street shopper due to not having a credit or debit card, so i have to shop on the high street so i am being charged more even though i'm not asking for packaging, delivery or postal charges. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/consumertips/household-bills/7607207/Shoppers-hit-by-high-street-tax.html

http://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/2010/04/09/2010-04-09_gals_spend_hour_a_day_shopping.html Many people would agree that shopping is quite addictive not by men particularly but by women most definantly, i think we shop even though we dont need to, if you have no pulls on your financial resources such as myself you are most likely to spend your money on things you dont actually need, you just want. I constantly want a new phone because i get bored so easily with them after a couple of months. Shopping is done as it is what you want and not necessarily what you need.

I have recently been shocked by the amount in which i spent so i now think about do i really need this and most the time put it back realising i dont need this i just think i do in my head.... obsession or not?? "an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone" (http://www.google.co.uk/url?q=http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn%3Fs%3Dobsession&ei=-VHgS5e0GZOy0gTkjsigCA&sa=X&oi=define&ct=&cd=1&ved=0CBMQpAMoAA&usg=AFQjCNGHWC5lfm8edcgYj_8ccrPdLjbOvQ)

Saturday 1 May 2010


The picture i think shows the streak of the media who target celbrities especially those who are youngest, such as Lindsay Lohan, Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen and recently worries over Miley Cyrus hanging with Lindsay Lohan. I have always been a big fan and watched her in many of her movies from Parent Trap, Life Size and Mean Girls, i have not been influenced by Lindsays antics, in my opinion i think she has not had the same oppurtunities as other people growing up not had the freedom in her teens to do as she likes and now has been in the limelight continuosly for drugs/drinking/speeding. I'm not saying she's perfect but give the girl some slack, i havent been influenced by her bad behaviour and i was shocked the other day that the Nintendo DS.


I think that is stupid because Lindsay was the main star of Mean Girls and i get the point of many others who commented on the article saying it was done for media and so that they would get sales. But how many of other people her age do what she is doing, id say a good number of people do, she wants to live normally. When does she ever get put into the press for doing good? The other day i watched a programme on BBC 3 about child traffiking, even then people commented about the programme making jokes about Lindsay saying bet she will open a nightclub in Delhi!


She has no chance of getting back to doing what she does best which is movies and albums with this negative association being put on her even when she's doing good. I support Lindsay in what she does an hope she manages to get her life back on track and beat those who view her so negatively.

Friday 30 April 2010

Bad Comedians.

Comedians are there to make a joke out of everyday situations, but does a comedian have any limits to what they can and cannot say. If we ask ourselves the question do we laugh at jokes that could be considered bad or wrong by others, many of us would probably say yes and at the time do not consider what we are laughing at.

I must say when i watch comedians on the TV when its a racial or a joke aimed at people who are disabled, then i feel uncomfortable about the joke. I feel rude laughing at a joke which could hurt peoples feelings about their background. On the other hand many comedians who are from a different group tend to make jokes about their own culture. There has to be a line somewhere with jokes by comedians but many comedians take their own life and make it in to a comedy such as Alan Carr who talks about his life with 'wonky teeth'. What comedians may seem as okay for themselves are not always accepted by others so easily.


Comedians need to make sure that there jokes are well enough constructed to be funny but not encourage or cause upset to the public.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Animal Cruelty

I think animal cruelty is so much worse than being bad. I do absolutely love animals, i love going to the zoo/safari parks and when i go to Spain i always go and see the dolphin/sea lion shows over there.

I think it is truely disgusting that animals are not looked after and not fed, left in awful states, they may be animals but dont they have the right to be treated at least with some care and compassion, many of us have pets at home, if you have a pet you look after them, however some people feel the need to neglect their animal, get their into fights, abuse them, use them for drug smuggling.

http://www.boston.com/yourtown/news/quincy/2010/04/mspca_investigating_animal_cru.html This article tells about a family who want justice when they found their cat covered from head to toe in petrol, who could do that to a cat or any animal it is discusting and really upsets me that humans could treat animals so badly.

If you cant look after a pet or dont want the pet try and find a shelter of some sort to have the pet, its not difficult, do it before you start abusing the pet, i could never hurt an animal i have a golden labrador who i love to bits and would never hurt for all the money in the world. Although, saying about taking animals to shelters such as the RSPCA, i was shocked that the RSPCA are having to cut costs and so will be less likely to be able to have animals in, meaning more animals being abused and left to cruely die.


Animals need help to stand up for their rights, they cant do it themselves they need animal lovers to fight for their right to live a life without being subjected to pain and cruelty. People who carry out acts of violence and neglect on animals should have bigger consequences for their actions.

"The Act introduced tougher penalties for neglect and cruelty, including fines of up to £20,000, a maximum jail term of 51 weeks and a lifetime ban on some owners keeping pets. Enforcers such as the RSPCA have more powers to intervene if they suspect a pet is being neglected." BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/animals/overview/latest.shtml

People who know animals are being tortured/hurt/neglected are as bad as those who are doing that to their animal, they could stop that animals suffering trying is better than doing nothing.

Wednesday 28 April 2010


"The practice of killing a human being or animal for humane reasons, especially one suffering greatly or experiencing poor quality of life; An easy death, or the means to bring about such a death". It is a very controversial subject with the population being split upon whether euthanasia should be legal or not.

In the UK it is illegal to carry out any sort of Euthanasia, many people have fought for the right for their partners to end their life due to severe illnesses in which they no longer wish to suffer the effects of.

The website below shows the statistics of peoples opinion on when they think euthansia should be an option. 86% accept that euthanasia should be available for people who have incurable illnesses and 80% agree when the patient is dying and in alot of pain and ask for their life to be ended.
I think euthanasia should be an option for those, who doctors agree have no chance of being concious again and having to be on life support machines just to keep them breathing.

More countries are beginning to consider allowing euthanasia to be legal in their country such as Sweden which this article shows the mayhem it has caused within the country with people agreeing and disagreeing over how this choice to allow euthanasia to be legal.


Tuesday 27 April 2010

Video Gaming

We live in an age reliant upon technology, mobiles, sat. nav, laptops, TVs and Games Consoles. Many games have been in the headlines for being to gruesome for anybody to play and has been blamed by many for violence.


This article below i found interesting, schools using Grand Theft Auto to show the realities of violence in the world. Which i found really bizarre as last year or so thats all we saw on the news about the danger that video games such as GTA which i remember was specifically targeted for the violence within the game and the impact it was having on children (second article below is a story about GTA being blamed for violence-shooting)


I think a good games console at the moment is the Wi Console, as i dont believe any violent games are available with this console as it is a much more family entoriated activity, which i think was a good idea by Nintendo, by helping games consoles become a family thing rather than children locking themselves away in rooms seperately.

I dont think games can be blamed for the violence on the streets, parents should be fully aware of the age rating on the games to a certain age there should be some type of monitoring going on with those more violent games. An awful lot can influence violence whether it be the neighbourhood, school, friends, home life, tv, music etc. If your going to be violent your going to be violent without the aid of video games making a big enough imapact upon you to carry out violence.

Monday 26 April 2010

Illegal Downloading

If you ask almost anyone im sure that many have either personally illegally downloaded music/dvds etc, or have been given music from another person through a file sharer such as is capable upon MSN. I am only 18 and i know at high school and 6th form a number of friends were getting songs from the internet illegally. As much as yes by illegally downloading music we are affecting the profits of the artists and companies who make these types of media.


The article above i agree with that in hard times and singles cost £3-£5 we dont have the luxuries to spend £5 a time just for one song, an album we are more likely to purchase as you get more value for your money. However, the research shows that their has been an increase in the sale of video games so maybe our money is being spent elsewhere in the entertainment/media section.

It is morally wrong as it is as bad as stealing a CD from a music shop such as HMV, yes we are ruining popstars careers but im sorry most singers live pretty comfortably from their earnings we dont exactly see on the news stars sat on the streets due to people illegally downloading content.

However, i think when downloading should be severely clamped is when it is to do with children. It is a big issue and i dont know how people can want to watch such things, it makes me feel sick.
These sorts of things should not even be made never mind be accesible via internet sites. It really needs to be clamped down significantly to stop this grossly immoral business from working, and more needs to be done to anyone found to be downloading or producing that sort of material, their need to be stricter and more harsher laws in place.

Sunday 25 April 2010


Abortion in the UK is up to 24 weeks, two doctors must decide that the risk posed by continuing with the pregnancy is greater than the risks caused by having an abortion. There is no time limit on abortion where two doctors agree that a woman’s health is threatened by continuing the pregnancy or if the fetus is likely to be born with severe physical or mental difficulties. In the event that an abortion must be performed as a matter of medical emergency a second doctor’s agreement does not need to be sought.

Just by typing 'abortion' into google images, i was horrified by the shocking propaganda pictures put up by people to put across their view that it is wrong to have an abortion such as a picture of a pile of babies in a dustbin. I understand completly their point of view on the matter that it is a shocking and cruel matter to kill and unborn child. However, they need to think of the shocking and painful thoughts that must go through those womens heads who make the harsh decision to have an abortion as im sure by most women it is not a decision taken lightly.


It is a harsh and brutal decision in which people have to make about having an abortion and is opposed by so many as it is taking away the life of an innocent in what may be a bad situation. People who go through with an abortion are often left with mental scars for the rest of their life. I think more support needs to be out their for those who seek an abortion or more information as due to opposition advice locally is difficult to find.
I agree an awful lot with picture at the top of this blog that to have an abortion really is a personal choice not a political debate where people are terrified and ashamed to get advice or an abortion due to the pressure groups. People should not feel terrified by wanting to have a choice in what happens with their life, yes maybe they should have been more careful but maybe they took all the right precautions or were forced resulting in pregnancy.
You cant expect a woman who has been raped to keep the child unless she has an awful lot of strength which enables her to bring up the child with love and without bringing back awful images and feelings. It may well be immoral but the emotional torture those women have to put up with is alot to deal with and unless in the position of considering to have an abortion, who are we to judge.

Friday 23 April 2010

Fast food

We all love food, no matter what it is. Fast food of some kind are on pretty much every street you can find, always a chippy/pizza place/kfc/McDonalds.
I cant say people who eat fast food several times a day is bad, because i'll put my hands up and say honestly most days i have at least one type of fast food whether it be a microwave meal or pizza/mcdonalds, but its because im never in when my parents have tea and im not the skinniest of girls im like a size 10/12 but im not over weight i have a normal healthy BMI.
The governments complain about the costs of having obese people in Britain and the cots on the NHS (1bn per year), but with fast foods not only being cheap, easy, and being on the corner of every road what do they expect? You go into supermarkets and the healthy stuff isnt cheap, for families on budgets they cant always afford the healthy food. Some people have to resort to microwave or more 'fatty' foods.


But can obesity be blames on your eating habits? I think to an extent yes the food you eat is a main decision on the outcome of your weight but i come from a family who are all large, the family genetics have meant that they have all been larger but they eat healthy and on diets etc and still not loosing the weight so i think genetics also have a big part to play in obesity. You will see a family and if they are all 'bigger' sized dont just automatically think they just eat alot, maybe its not their fault.

Thursday 22 April 2010


I have always been brought up to say please, thankyou and just be polite to all others at all times. Whenever i get off a bus i say thankyou, i say excuse me when i need to get past i dont just shove them out of the way, i say sorry if i bump into someone. Only the other day a woman dropped something she was purchasing and i picked it up for her as her hands were full and i did this without being asked. Being polite and helpful costs nothing. I dont see why some people just dont bother not helping or being kind.


Children need to be brought up to say please/thankyou to not only their parents but the public. I feel it is the parents responsibilty to ensure that children know to be polite others.

Am i the only person to think that parents are responsible to teach children to be polite?

Wednesday 21 April 2010


Many youngsters play truent and avoid school in the UK for periods of time. In 2003 they suggested that around 1/5 of secondary school pupils missed at least 15 half days of school(BBC, 2003) then in 2005 the figures showed that 55,000 pupils were missing classes every day during the school year which was an annual increase of about 4,500(BBC, 2005). Today again they reckon truency is on the increase due to the truency crackdown as schools are discouraging parents to take children out of school for holidays or dentists appointment. (The Independent, 2010)


I started to avoid going to school in year 10 for around 6weeks i missed the same class every week, my teacher started to notice this as she had some me around school in the day time, she got suspicious and started checking with reception to see if i had signed out of school, she started to ring the house phone on some days to get in contact with me, the fact was not that i didnt like the lesson but i didnt like my teacher. She taught me again last year in my final year of ALevels and i missed her lessons again and yet again we clashed and for the first few weeks we didnt get along and she started following me around the school and found out what class i was in before hers and make sarcastic comments about me not turning up.
However this is not the case for all the pupils some people just dont want to be there, i think more needs to be done for those who start to play truent but on whole have a good record for being at lessons on time, as this could signify bullying or other problems that may be bothering the pupil, which is the reason they are not attending school.

Tuesday 20 April 2010


The UK currently has just become roads full of speed restrictions and speed cameras. But do speed cameras make any difference the way in which we drive?

In my eyes all i see people do near speed cameras is put their brakes on through the lines on the floor and as soon as there out of the way in the camera they just proceed with the speed they were doing beforehand. So are they really that effective, because they are not reducing the speed of motorists. Below are some statistics about breaking the speed limit, but in fact the majority break the speed limit on the motorway and not on 30/40mph areas.


On the web link below is a section headed "How are drivers affected" which says that it makes people pay more attention to the speed camera and the speedometer rather than the road itself and in a way causing more danger than good.


All in all though i believe they are effective, they manage the roads in a safe manner and have drastically reduced the number of accidents on the road, and im sure have saved many peoples especially childrens lives in areas where it is now 20-30mph. Large amounts of campaigning on speeding has been around saying if you hit me at 30mph there's around an 80% chance i'll live but just by 10mph more you can drastically reduce the survival rates.
People need to think about speeding and not only their safety but others aswel, by speeding you are being immoral by not thinking about the risk you may pose to others such as other drivers, children, animals etc. If you are going to speed you need to make sure you are an extremly compotent driver who is fully aware of all around you.
Im not a driver myself but i know when im in a car and someone over takes me it makes me feel uneasy? Am i the only one it makes feel that way?

Monday 19 April 2010


I know the title is oh so interesting, but we have all gone past parks when it has been a sunny day and you see loads of litter left all over a field even though loads of bins are nearby.

I myself can honestly say i littered an awful lot in my teens but i now make sure i keep rubbish on me or put stuff in the next bin i go past. I think local councils need to do more to ensure that bins are not over flowing, as it will just encourage people to not bother if the councils are not going to bother aswel.

Its all well and good setting a fine for those caught littering but i dont know of anyone who has been fined for littering at all.

The article above shows the costs involved in cleaning up the streets including vandalism it is a high cost which could be drastically lowered if people didnt vandalise. There is vandalism to a point which yeh is acceptable if it is a piece of art but not when its writing your name saying, "Keelyyyy Wazz Eaa". I think more needs to be in place to keep teens of the street.


Many stories above show the affect that the law is having upon people littering, and how it may discourage people from littering.

People need to think about the environmental damage they are having, you hear of stories of cats/birds etc having their heads stuck in packaging.


Sunday 18 April 2010


It shocks me to hear when people are in so much debt from gambling that their house is being repossessed or their items are took away to cover the cost of the debts. I dont know how people can put thousands etc on a bet in a casino when it is putting not their own future in the hands of a bet but also that of their families.
Much of gambling is about chance, we have all been on fruit machines and thought yes ive done well this time then lost it all when you tried again. It can become addictive i know myself as a young person who goes to the arcade when i go to the seaside only to find me spending far to much of my time on 2p and 10p machines.
I feel that casinos where large sums of money are placed upon a bet are incredibly risky and unless you are very clever and are good at casinos and the games there they can be tricky and alot of money can be lost. People need to be more responsible, yes enjoy yourself but have a limit for the sake of your family because it is immoral to just keep on betting with your family's financial security.


Another form of gambling is The National Lottery played by thousands every draw, as they saying goes if you never try you will never know. Many people play the lottery in the hope that they will win a large sum of money just to help them along, but i know from watching my parents who have been playing the lottery every saturday 2 lines a week that they have only ever won about £92 and that has only happened once in 25years. Some people play the lottery because they can, whilst others play because it could change their life drastically.
I know this may seem mean but i dislike it when i see people who have won the millions on TV being interviewed and they already have a nice big house and are reasonably wealthy, whereas people who live on the poverty line because of the financial circumstances of the household don't seem to win and i think it is unfair that really wealthy people win the money if they are only going to spend all of it on having like 3homes etc, when people elsewhere could need the money to just live comfortably with their families.

There are many sources of advice for people who are suffering from a gambling addiction, i feel the addiction is when you are spending £1000+ in a night because to me that is alot of money and for people on National Minimum Wage that is around a month or 2's salary.


Saturday 17 April 2010


I may be one of the very few 18 year olds who do not actually drink alcohol. I don't like the taste of most drinks and it generally makes me feel worse than better. I drink only 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks when i go out up town or when out in general. I'd say on average i have about less than 20 alcoholic drinks in a year.
I have nothing against alcohol or the people who do drink if its their way of enjoying themselves, but i think people need to consider the affects on their health, it can damage your liver over time, and i think can seriously alter somebodys mood in just a minute from enjoying yourself to become angry or violent.
I think to drink and when i say drink i mean to the extent where your unable to walk, or do simple things in a safe manner, then thats where things become risky and dangerous. Drinking makes many people, vulnerable and not care. You hear so many stories of people having one night stands, which fair enough is their own decision i'm not here to pass judgement on that but if its unprotected and they become pregnant, it shocks me how many women do not know who they slept with they dont even have a name or they have been with to many people they do not know who their childs father could be. I think teenagers need to begin to take more responsibility for themselves when they are out drinking and be aware of who are around them, because if you look vulnerable or that drunk to care i think people will take advantage of the situation.

There are campaigns everywhere and news stories about drinking to much and knowing your limits. Drink Aware is well known and there for people who want information if they think are having too much to drink. Below are just a few sources of information about smoking and getting help and the effects drinking has upon your health.


Another point with drinking is driving, i dont know how people can even put their foot in their car and drive it when they have been drinking, i mean if you have walked to your car, been sick, shouted, sang and are unable to walk in a straight line then i think its obvious you shouldnt drive. Your not only putting the public in danger but also yourself.


I believe the Government have done as much as they really can do, they can not really do much, it is upto the public to be sensible enough and if they are caught they know the repocussions of their actions.
However, i do feel that the police force need to have more of a role in stopping drink driving and be largely inforced in areas where alot of clubs are, to keep an eye on problems that may arise from groups of anti-social drinkers.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Size Zero Models

I think these size zero models need to be mentioned, they are not healthy for their height as models have to be tall as it is.
Its scary to think how scary are that thin, then young people easily influenced by what they see in the media think that being like 6 stone is healthy, they dont realise the bad affects that they are having on themselves.


The article below shows how a young woman went to a scarce 4stone because of seeing size zero models in magazines... being skinny needs to stop being publicized, as they affect how young girls see themselves in the mirror.



Still more needs to be done to encourage more curvier, bigger women into the modeling industry. I know of recent more has been done in the modelling industry but having curvier women who are healthy into this business can help encourage positive thinking within teens about their body image.

Wednesday 14 April 2010


Bullying is a big issue whatever your age and mainly takes place in schools or at the work place.
For the people out their that havent been bullied, all i can say is that you are one of the luckiest people out there.
I have been bullied several times and im only 18. In my first couple of years at primary school a girl in the year above kept picking on me, in the end my mom had to come in and have a word with the head teacher.
Then i got to secondary school and this is where my big problem with bullying came in, i got bullied for around 2-3 years on and off by the 'popular' group of boys and girls in my year, calling me names, pulling faces making gestures. Unfortunately they were in all my classes, i couldnt avoid them, i hated school so much at the time.

It really messed me up emotionally and knocked my confidence even more, even though my confidence was already at 0, i can still see them in my head now pulling faces at me etc and it hurts. To bully someone is awful and in a way i feel sorry for bullies, because if they feel no remorse about what they are saying and doing then they have sad lives to get a kick out of bullying someone because of the way in which they look. It is truly harmful and immoral for someone to bully another human being and some may suggest that they dont know better, but im sorry at secondary school your old enough to know what you are doing. People can kill themselves due to being bullied or abuse themselves i.e. self harm/starve themselves/skive school etc.


Bullying doesnt just have to be physical, majority of the time it can just be emotional, the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me", i believe is wrong because words can do just as much damage to people especially to those such as yourself is shy, vulnerable or lacks confidence. More needs to be done to stop bullying, i needed more support there from teachers at the time when i was being bullied, as the teachers never spotted the signs when yes i know people may say it was my responsibilty to say something, but when your so shy and scared of saying something your not going to.

To bully is wrong no matter whether if it be on the small or large scale. There are many sites online in which help children who are feeling threatended by bullies at school.

Children need to feel that if they are being bullied that they have the confidence to confide in a teacher, because if you dont stand up to them the bullying wont stop, the bullys will carry on until they get bored or find a new victim.

Monday 5 April 2010

Response to Hannah-Louise's Blog 'Abortion'

Link to post: http://hellokittyyyx.blogspot.com/2010/04/abortion.html

I agree with Hannah, she brings up some very important and key points about when abortion is and isnt acceptable.
I think it should be an option, as i know of 5/6 people from my school year who are only know 18/19 who have children of their own already, but had their been more accesible/easier option they may not have decided to keep them.
I think people who are victims of rape can not be expected to bring up that baby, reminding them of the pain and it would just be traumatising everytime they looked at their child.
I think something really needs to be done about abortions and soon. There needs to be more options out their, so that people have the choice. Many people dont want to put their child for adoption because who is it to say that a life in a 'home' is any better life, with no support network/relationships, they could spend many years in a care home just being another number.

Response to Debbie's blog 'Unprotected Sex'

Link to post: http://debsbeingbadblog.blogspot.com/2010/03/unprotected-sex.html

I agree that condoms should be either free or a cheaper price than that of current, they are expensive to buy and some people have to use non-latex yet again increasing the price to purchase them.
I think people just need to take responsibility for their actions and not be so surpised if they do catch AIDS/HIV etc. If you have unprotected sex with someone you dont know, you have all the chance in the world of getting an infection. People really need to think about what their doing before they do it.

Response to Claire McAree Blog 'Those who can, do. Those who cant, bully'

Link to post: http://clairemcareebeingbad.blogspot.com/2010/03/those-who-can-do-those-who-cant-bully.html

I think this post was very brave and shows just how bad bullying can affect someones life. I agree with everything she had to say and i could very much associate myself this blog.
At primary school i got bullied in the very first years i dont even know why i cant remember i was that young, but it got to a stage where my parents had to go to the headteacher and we had to have a meeting. At secondary school my bullying got worse, because i put weight on faster than others, i had ginger hair and my teeth arent straight so got called many things related to a 'bunny' for a year or 2 as the group who were picking on me were in every single class which i was in.

Bullying is horrible and i could never ever put someone through what i, and many other people have suffered from being bullied.

Response to Donna Court Blog 'Foul Language or Common Vocab?'

Link to post: http://donnacourt.blogspot.com/2010/03/sfd.html

I can honestly say and i will willingly say i swear regularly. At secondary school i went through a phase of saying about 5 swear words per sentence it became really bad. My parents hate swearing and have always discouraged me they always go mad at me when i swear.
I swear still but not as often, usually when something has got me mad/angry when i have alot of emotions usually.

I think that swearing should only be used when on your own, not to abuse others and not in day to day life.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Response to Mrs Brightside's 'A moment on the lips...' Blog.

Link to post: http://mrsbrightsideemilyyy.blogspot.com/2010/03/moment-on-lips.html

This post i totally 100% agreed with it is so true. We look at magazines and all it is picking up on celebrities faults because they have cellutlite, spots or just being pictured badly.
It gets me mad when you look in a magazine and a celebrity is a size 10 and the magazines are complaining that they have put on weight! I'm like seriously they are a size 10, they are more than healthy.
This constant media attack on size and beauty is having severe affects on young people's health. I once stopped eating because at secondary school i put weight on alot faster than many people in my year, i felt fat and ugly. Im now around a size 10 and 12, i'm not skinny, i dont think i ever will be, my family are all on the larger side, ive done well to keep the weight off as it is.
I do eat alot of ready meal and fast food meals but that is my choice. Im not going to starve myself to fit in to how im meant to look.
I agree with all is said in the post, i myself never feel thin enough due to bullying and many other people around me being super skinny.

Response to Marian Cobelas 'Plastic Surgery' Blog.

Link to post: http://badbehaviour-philosophicalperspective.blogspot.com/2010/03/plastic-surgery.html

We all are biased. We all make our assumptions when we meet someone on the way in which they look, not how they dress. We are less inclined to bother with someone based on our first impression.
In a club for example if you dont look 'hot' or 'sexy' then you wont be approached by someone.
I agree with Marian that we need to be happy with ourselves and the way in which we look. You could say as Marian did that celebrities have surgery all the time but this has a negative affect on the rest of society, so maybe they are to blame for the way in which we feel about ourselves? Or maybe we should look at the people who make the celebrities feel they have to look 150% all the time, the media. We see it weekly in magazines, celeberities being written about because they have captured a picture of someone who's lost/gained weight, has no make up on, sweat patches etc. They are human beings, stop criticising every move.

Response to Emma Willoughby 'Infidelity' Blog.

Link to post: http://emmawilloughby18.blogspot.com/2010/03/infidelity.html

I agree very much with Emma. I think to take someone back in a relationship when you have found out your partner has cheated, is a big ask. You will always be wondering where they are, there would be no trust for a very long time, because what they have done before will always be in the back of your mind. There really isnt any relationship without trust, maybe some people trust to much and some just to little.

Response to Mrs Brightside 'The Joys Of Public Transport' Blog

Link to post: http://mrsbrightsideemilyyy.blogspot.com/2010/03/joys-of-public-transport.html

I myself, get public transport to and from pretty much everywhere. I myself on many occasions have been on a bus, when some trouble maker teen gets on who think they own the bus and give you dirty looks, with their music booming its way through the bus, which is never good especially when you have a headache.
I find it horrible when im sat on the bottom floor of a bus and its pretty much full, yet the seat next to me is always last to be filled and i dont understand why, the only thing i can think of is because i am a teenager. Am i really that unapproachable to sit next to on a bus for a whole 10-15minute journey.

Many teens get seen as trouble, when in fact many of us cause no trouble and are genuinely nice. I agree entirely with the blog, that id much rather talk to anyone other than teens who think that they are all that.

Response to Laura Gambles 'Being Bad Part 2' Blog.

Link to post: http://laurascrazyblogs.blogspot.com/2010/03/being-bad-part-2.html

Laura's blog was interesting, i think it brought up issues in which i had not thought of such as parents making children feel bad for a better outcome. This happens, parents can become pushy/overcontrolling and tormenting at times in some situations, taunting you about things in which upsets you.
Myself was bullied throughout my time at primary and secondary schools and i really did not want to go back to the school or attend my classes as the 2 main girls who were bullying happened to before and after me in the school register for my year and so i ended up sitting inbetween my 2 bullies in the majority of my classes. It was torture and dreaded every single class.

About stalking, i agree that maybe when people go out they show off to much/or cover to little and so some people may become obsessed. In some ways i agree with Laura that this could be the girls fault, some people are easily obsessed, they may have mental issues or severe insecurities and giving mixed messages, or the wrong signal can cause bad affects.

Response to Marian Cobelas- Infidelity

Link to blog: http://badbehaviour-philosophicalperspective.blogspot.com/2010/03/infidelity.html

I totally and utterly agree with Marian, about people wanting new things in life all the time, its temptation. I dont feel you can just judge someone just because they were unfaithful, it could be their partner is being off with them, sex is a big part in why some people cheat, it needs to be present within a relationship, but can sometimes disappear during a relationship due to work, family or stress.
Marian is true about cheating on someone doesnt mean you dont love that person, you just may need a break from whatever, im not saying cheating is right, its wrong but the reasons behind why they cheated needs to be heard before we start calling names, and making judgements.

Response to Gemma's Blog on Lying - "What you dont know wont hurt you"

Link to post: http://supporthelpforheroes.blogspot.com/2010/02/what-you-dont-know-wont-hurt-you.html

I was really interested by this blog, and agree with everything she says. She makes some very valid points that we all lie in life, even thought it may be to spare someone's feelings, most people find out the life in the end, unless you are as Emma says have a 'talent' at lying. Its hard to pull of a lie.
I mean really how many people can honestly say thay have lied and not been found out eventually?
I was really intrigued by the website found by Emma, was shocked and surprised that many people were asking for help with lying, as it had become such a big part in their life and was messing their life and they are scared of loosing their family.
Many people think lying is simple, but i think in actual fact it is a complex task in which you sometimes you get stuck in. Many people have to cover one lie with another lie and before you know it you get stuck in a circle of lies.

Respone to Emma Willoughby's Shoplifting Blog.

Link to blog: http://emmawilloughby18.blogspot.com/2010/03/shoplifting.html

After reading Emma's blog, i agreed entirely with everything that she had to say about stealing. Shoplifting can affect you, many people think that it is easy to stop shopliftin but i don't think it is that simple.
You begin to get a buzz from the experience and like Emma said if you find it simple enough to do, then you will be encouraged to do it again.
Shoplifting to the extent of big items worth £100s, is over the top, and that there should be some sort of support their for people who get into shoplifting. They may not be able to get by any other way, apart from stealing, poverty and peer pressure are big reasons why people begin to steal.

Thursday 25 March 2010

tatoos and body modification


Many people between the age of around 15-30 probably have a tattoo, many people have one whether it be a small one on their arm/hand/back/hip/foot or a large one which covers a large part of their body. I have no real problems with people having tattoos i think simple designs in nice places, look really nice, as much as i like them i could never get a tattoo done myself, i think i will stick to having the stick on ones which last a few days. I just couldnt go through the pain of having it done for it to either get infected, go wrong or later in life decide you dont want it especially those people who have names tattoed on themselves, and then later having to have them removed.
The website above i think just shows how important it is to make sure people think carefully about the type of tattoo they want and where, as it can cost alot to get it re done. My sister has not long had her first tattoo done at the age of 25 along the bottom of her back and she had to have it done twice as the first time it didnt heal properly, even though she didnt have to pay again she had to go through having it done again.
In this day and age many celebrities have tattos, such as Angelina Jolie, Rihanna, Megan Fox, David Becham, Jessicca Alba, Peaches Geldof, Pink, Victoria Beckham, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Alyssa Milano, Beyonce Knowles, Nicole Richie, Jonny Depp, Drew Barrymore, Katie Price, Brad Pitt, Eva Longoria and Cheryl Tweedy.
Many big celebrities have tattoos as you can see from the list above from the website cited above, i think in a way seeing a celebrity with a tattoo on TV can make us think we want ourselves. I think it is up to the person individually if it is something that looks nice and isnt too big then i have no real problem but when people get themselves tattood all over their body i just think that is over the top and most of the time looks awful.

Another big problem i have is piercings, myself i only have 1 set of piercings in my ears which i had when i was little. Many people in my year at school in about year 9 or so all the 'popular' kids had their belly buttons pierced and i dont see the big craze over it myself, yes they can look nice but thats all, and in Britain when do you really get to show your stomach off anyway with our British weather. I couldnt be pierced i have a real phobia of needles. Before i went with my friend who was getting her nose pierced in the town centre and she wanted to hold my hand because she was scared and i just couldnt watch or hear the sound of the nail gun, makes me cringe. Many of my friends have got more than one piercing, i have nothing against them at all but its just not for me, i dont know how people can get piercings by ripping a hole in your skin.
I found this article on the internet about Catholics and how they have to take many things in to consideration before getting a tattoo/piercing have a look at this short article i think it is interesting.
I was horrified to see this picture of someone who has a piercing in their eyelid, i felt sick just thinking about having my eye lid pierced, take a look for yourself.

The article above shows a set of data, on the number of different types of procedures that have been carried out within the UK in the year 2008-2009. I was shocked by the high numbers of people getting surgery, surgery still predominantly being undertaken on women, but more men are getting surgery to change the way in which they look. With women still the main surgery is on their breasts, i understand that if you are smaller cupped that you may feel less of a woman, less femine but when you are a reasonable size like a B/C cup i do not see the need why women need to increase their size, but this could be because the way in which women are portrayed in magazines, so we dont feel beautiful if we dont look the way in which models/celebrities do. Many operations to change our bodies can go wrong, especially when many travel from the UK to have Europe to have the surgery done cheaper, but isnt this just putting your life at severe risk? Im not saying that every cosmetic surgeon in Europe do 'bodge' jobs but many people can be affected badly by the procedure which they have.
I would not have surgery to change the way in which my body looks, all i can do is deal with the way in which i look nothing more, i would not go through surgery to make myself look better. Has anybody had any surgery, has it made you feel better or do you have any regrets, would be interested if you have any stories you would like to share.

I think all tattoos and body modification is upto the individual and not upto to others to decide whether they are acceptable or not.

There are no real risks when it comes to tattoos or piercings, but other things like surgeries to enhance your looks/features can be scary and can go wrong.

Friday 19 March 2010

Bandits & Outlaws

Bandits and outlaws are defined as people living outside the law.
Bandits such as Robin Hood, are looked upon as heroes rather then a villian, just because they take from the wealthy and give to the poor, yet they are still not following the rules of the law, just because you dont agree with something does not mean you have the right to do what you like. You have to live within the constraints of the law i believe, if we dont then things will not work out properly even though they may be doing good.
Villains can easily be seen as heroes, if they do something for the, 'good, but doing one good deed for the poor/ill or needy, does not mean you are a hero.
Its like saying someone in todays society who does robbery's, speeds etc, who then gives £10 to someone whos living on the street, this in no way does this make them a hero, one good deed doesn't out do the negatives. I think it is immoral to give praise to those who do bad things, just for doing on good thing. Many people can do good, caring and loving things throughout their life and never be thanked, rewarded or anything, but suddenly a bandit/outlaw does something good and they get praised. Similar to people when they come out of jail, they come out and they do something good and get rewarded, i dont understand why?!


This website discusses "Phoolan Devis who was shot in Delhi, Ms Devi, who renounced crime and became an MP of the lower-caste Samajwadi Party in 1997, after 11 years in jail, was shot dead outside her Raj-era bungalow last Wednesday. A man known to her, Sher Singh Rana, confessed to the killing, and two alleged accomplices have been arrested"

Monday 15 March 2010


I dont see why people do drugs, i have never tried them same as my friends from secondary school.

I have read that around just over 35% of children aged 15-16 have taken cannabis, which im shocked. I was only that age 3/4years ago and on my mind was not going out and trying drugs, many could say im a boring teenager, never been a drinker or smoker, but at 16 i was trying to keep my head down and get through school without being bullied as much as possible.
Many people take drugs when they are out on the town drinking, and i just dont see why, because if you cant enjoy yourself on alcohol then i dont see why taking drugs. I dont see why people cant just enjoy a night out up town without getting so pissed that they cant stand up and cause trouble in bars.
To many people think that drugs are a good things, that they make the night more enjoyable, im sure thats true at the time but the next day your in hospital or something, you cant rememeber whats happened, i dont see that to be such a good time in my eyes. There just poisoning themselves just to get a high.
There has recently been many campaigns on TV about drugs such as the driving on drugs, due to 1 in 10 young men saying they have driven under the influence of drugs. Along with pablo the drug mule dog and Talk to Frank, advert on the side affects of cocaine.
I will never do drugs as i dont see why you need to? They harm yourself and those around you if you become addicted and then get into the wrong crowds and then get into trouble, so why are drugs really worth it?
The article below talks about how taking drugs can kill people and ruin lives, by driving under the influence of drugs.


Sunday 14 March 2010

Bad Cinema- Kids.

This film based in New York city. It was an interesting, yet disturbing movie about what could be happening in many areas, all around the world. We all know this could be happrning but we dont want to admit to it. Things like this happend within todays society, throughout the UK, quite openly, many people just sleeping with people without thinking of the consequences in which are involved. I think this movie shows a true lighting of how society has been recently in which sex, drugs and violence has become the norm.
People have unprotected sex with strangers throughout the world, with not a care in the world for the consequences in which may happen.
This is not the only movie, which has been controversially made, recently has been the creation of the movies Kidulthood and Adulthood, which show the life of bullying, violence, sex and drugs. Many films just show how the real world is and when it is portrayed within movies, we cause a fuss and say how can this be accepted to be in a movie, but yet it goes on in many areas of the UK.
People have to wake up and realise what is going on, especially within the young generations, bullying, sex and drugs are becoming more prominant.

Saturday 13 March 2010


Masturbation is a topic in which many people do not talk about even though many people enjoy masturbation, but many people are to afraid to stay it still, even though were in the 21st century, "Despite this new attitude, the actual practice and discussion of masturbation continues to be a social taboo within most societies", (http://www.afraidtoask.com/masturbate/History.htm).
It surprises me how very few people openly admit to masturbating, to even say the word or write it seems wrong and embarrasing for many people id imagine, yet why, we openly speak about many other things with little problem, like going to the toilet etc. We dont seem to have a problem saying most other things openly, but when it comes to masturbation we all become shy and blush.
In the 18th - 19th century, masturbation was seen as unhealthy, by many medical professionals, but now in the 21st century, it's is seen as very healthy and many do suggest masturbation but not as an every day 3 times a day thing. It's natural for us to be curious and want to masturbate, it is proven that Bonobo chimpanzees which share 98.4% of our DNA practiced masturbation, so maybe its just in our body to do it... its not wrong and i dont see why it so frowned upon by many, obviously some religous beliefs i can understand but many of the UK cant say that they masturbate because its not socially accepted.
I think we need to live in a society in which people can live with masturbation as being socially acceptable, and not such a secret that nobody can discuss. The website below i think is useful and tells you alot about masturbation and why it is like it is in todays society.


Friday 12 March 2010

Lying with integrity

Myself... i will admit i lie pretty regularly. I do it mainly to get myself out of bad situations, in which i will become under threat from my friends, or which they may dislike, me i suppose its a sort of safety mechanism to stop myself being upset and others.
I feel lying isnt bad in many cases, to the extent in which their little white lies. lies become immoral and unreasonable in which they gain something from their lie, such as lying to Governments to receieve benefits, i believe falsely applying for benefits in which you are not truely eligible for is dispicable, when people who need those benefits can struggle to obtain them due to the regulations of many benefits.
I think lying done by many people can be done to save somebodys feelings as you care about them but dont want to upset them. I think to define lying is a difficult task, as lying can be so many different things, i would define lying to be, "changing the truth to help yourself but can be so much bigger as telling as false story", however this is the definition i found on the web, "the deliberate act of deviating from the truth" (wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn)
Lying is used by many people to get out of things in which they dont want to get involved with or in trouble, its just used generally as a way of gettin out of things. This guide on "lying" by the BBC, reinforces why i have spoken about and discusses who lies and why, i found this to be an interesting article about lying, especially the 4 main reasons they stated in which why people lie which were: fear, power, acceptance and habit.

Off the subject of lying, the other day i was in boots and i was waiting to be served and a woman at the till was being served and her child who was 3 or so years old was spitting from his pushchair at the customers in front of me and his mother did nothing and just let him carry on. I then was first in line waiting to be served when the child got out of his pushchair and stood infront of me spitting at me blowing a raspberry, he walked in a line past me to the customers behind and stood infront of each them and did the same. The one male customer, with a young child of his own started to get annoyed with the young lad and tried to get the attention of the mother in the queue as the child had been stood infront of him spitting at him for around 20 seconds and the mother when she turned around just simply said "ignore him he's after attention" yet we were ignoring him as best as possible, but being spat in the queue at boots is not what you expect. I dont know if maybe the mother was doing the right thing with her son, but i was disgusted that the child was purposely doing this to the customers and he knew exactly what he was doing.

Any Thoughts on this blog please feel free to leave comments.

Many Thanks

Saturday 6 March 2010


Ashley Cole & Cheryl Tweedy.
Jude Law & Sienna Miller.
Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston.

All these celebrity couples above had been through their partnet cheating on them. I think to cheat on somebody is immoral especially when married and children are involved, if its not working then tell them break up/divorce its got to be better for the children if they are involved, well at least this is my view at the moment after watching the movie Unfaithful which shows a married woman with a child sleeping with a young man and the impacts it has on her husband when he finds out along with the family being let down by her and the emotional stress she puts herself under. When i watched the movie it actually made me upset as sad as that may be.
Cheating can seriously affect a person, especially if they have a shy/timid personality, cheating in a relationship can make you feel useless and can ruin your hopes of getting with anyone else for a long time.

If anyone can please, tell me of a reason when cheating is acceptable i would like to know. I dont think it is acceptable even if your partner has cheated you first and you want to get them back. Cheating all together is unacceptable and i think it is pretty low, no offence to anybody who has cheated by the way. I just think when its becomes a thing that has happened for weeks or months and has become more than just a kiss which as adults it probably will be, i just dont see how people can do this to their partners especially when they are married.

I think people turn to cheating when your feeling low or when you get bored in your relationship. Meeting someone new who you get on with can suddenly make you think 'oh i like them', and without thinking you start talking to them, seeing them all the time, without thinking of the people involved.

Let me know your thoughts, any bloggers out there willing to confess they had cheated and why they did? Id be interested to know.



Thursday 4 March 2010

Prostitution, Shop-lifting and Stalking.


Many people look at prostitution as being horrible, dirty and disgusting. Very rarely do people think about what prostitutes have to put themselves through and how much danger they are potentially putting themselves through, it is a very dangerous and risky business prostitution is. Prostitution is up to the person them self... its a way of making money so let them do it as long as they are not causing problems for the public they may just try to be getting money for their family and you never know as people said in the lecture 'hey, they may just be good at it, so why shouldn't they'. I think we should give those people who are doing this a break, they have enough to contend with without people judging them, we don't know them or their life, so who are we to judge?
The one thing i have severe issues with is human trafficking, i think it is horrible bringing people in from other countries, much poorer countries than ourselves and promising them jobs, and then to be used to get the people who they stay with money. Many people though who come over from other countries are aware that they may be being brought over for the purpose of 'human trafficking'. I was astounded by the facts and figures which are in the link below showing the shocking numbers and conditions in which people are made to live with whilst being used for sex.



Well, shoplifting i do believe is wrong and pretty difficult to do if you ask me. I have been with my friends when they have stolen an earring from Claire's Accessories, makes me laugh because every time you go into their half of their earrings are missing and I'm like really who's going to wear odd earrings. I have shoplifted before when i was younger but accidentally as a pair of socks got stuck on the straps on my bag and i hadn't noticed and walked out of the shop and all the way down the street and not even been stopped. I think it is wrong to shoplift but i think many people do it because the modern world especially the UK have become greedy, lending money for stuff we don't need, always wanting what we cant afford and don't really need. The personal debt in which we all have from just wanting many items that in fact we don't need is showing in this economic change, i was shocked when i read the statistics below on debt within the UK.
This could be the reason in which people feel the need to shoplift within the UK, they do not have the income or the resources in which they can live a comfortable life, with having to pay rent/tax/utility bills. Found this on the web just, which supports what i said about not having the money in the recession to afford what you may want.
None of these articles above actually surprised me as people are feeling the squeeze of living in the recession, people can no longer live in the luxury in which we once used to and the ever increasing prices of day to day items is causing stress for people. Shoplifting i believe is wrong but can we do in this recession people are struggling to cope without stealing their family may not be able to eat better especially if they have children.
Many people within the lecture when discussed was it right or not agreed that stores make a large sum of money daily and that one piece or so is not going to truly affect their sales as they can order more in and £10 profit won't be missed all that much by companies who make £1000's of pounds a day such as Supermarkets. But i read the article below and it blames peoples 'grazing' whilst shopping around the store for the credit crunch I'm sorry to say but i don't think people eating something around their stores is really going to make a big dent on their incomes, read the article for yourself and let me know your thoughts on it, the link is below.


Stalking, its difficult to be able to constitute what stalking actually is, it is seen differently by everyone. It can be, someone talking/texting/calling you every second to find out what your doing when you don't want to know... to people following you around the town centre and hacking into your email/social networking sites to see what your up to. When we discussed this within lecture we discussed it being when the person won't admit it or when they are accused they are offended.
Stalking is becoming a big issue through the Internet with younger users of the Internet becoming under threat by older people pretending to be a younger age to get to meet them so called 'cyberstalking'. This is a serious issue and has become a very big point with TV advertisements and Commercial news doing special stories on it, letting people especially parents know the danger in which their children could be facing. I thought this article below was shocking and portrays what is happening worldwide without many people knowing and the dangers in which the Internet can cause.
We all could be accused of cyberstalking through the joys in which we all use the social networking sites, such as facebook, twitter and the once upon a time favourite myspace. We see a comment on a friends page from someone we know we then go and look at it then, their page, next thing we know were reading up on them and what they are doing.. yes this is classed as stalking... i must say on a few occasions myself i have done this but oh well, its not harming anyone. The only time in which i think stalking is bad is when one person usually the 'stalker' gets emotions for the other person whether it be ones of anger or love... they can cause problems for the person being stalked and can ruin peoples life's, many people who are stalked can suffer from "post traumatic stress to the same degree as someone who has suffered an airline crash"... the effects of stalking can be read in this article which i found to be interesting and insightful in to the actual psychological and emotional torment stalking can create for victims.

Hope this blog has covered many questions associated with many issues as seen being bad. Feel free to leave comments and discuss what you feel about these issues.

Wednesday 3 March 2010


I myself am not a smoker, i have never tried one before. I am not bothered by standing around people who smoke, yet for others this is a real problem which has now helped to push smokers out in to the cold wherever they go. I think it is wrong to say to smokers that they must stand outside and smoke when people go into pubs for a nice meal and then you can get people drinking silly yet they are not forced to go out, people just ignore them.

Smoking i have found by many people i know which have smoked before is done as either a method of relaxing, or many people my age are "social smokers" in which they smoke predominantly when out socialising with friends. Smokers are currently told to stop smoking with free quit kits advertised through the NHS on TV or patches and gum to stop the urge to smoke, so why dont people stop if it really is going to damage their health? I think the answer to this question is because it is peoples thing that they like to do, why shouldn't they smoke if they want to, they pay for it, yes it has the potential to their health and cut down their life span but many people fall ill at any age from many things, you can live a clean free life, where you exercise and eat healthy but it does not mean that you will be healthy. An example of how cigarettes doesnt always mean your life will be limited is by looking at Compton Mackenzie who lived to the age of 89years old and he had his first cigarette at the age of 4.

Many smokers can live till an old age, many of our grandparents smoke now still because they used to do it before all the peer pressure from the governments to quit, but yet we dont see the government withdrawing on the number of cigarettes sold within the UK all they do is put extra VAT on to try and "discourage" people but cigarettes and alcohol are two big money makers for the government and an extra 20p a pack or so isnt really going to have an effect on smokers.

Many people start to smoke in their teens, i am about one of the only people i know who has never even tried a cigarette before, but i have been tempted to start smoking when i was younger. I rememeber this one week i just wanted to go over to the Tesco near mine and buy some and i honeslty don't know why, the only reason i came to was because i was stressed from A-levels and that smoking was supposed to help relax people. I'm glad i never brought cigarettes that day because i think i would have become a regular smoker of them. Your friends smoking is what i think a big reason why many teenagers smoke, and the way in which smoking is portrayed within movies and TV actors who smoke, this is done to give the actor a characteristic, in many ways smoking on TV is done by people who think they are abit better than others and want to give that impression that your not to mess with them, like harder more brutal characters who have a 'mean streak' may smoke to give them that more of an edge. This gives the wrong idea to young people.

This website below goes into the reasons why young teenagers/adults smoke and picks up on some of the reasons in which i have mentioned throughout.


Tuesday 16 February 2010

Field Trip Suggestions

I think for our field trip we should visit somewhere like a clinic which deals with people who wish to quit smoking or a place where people are getting tattoos done and see why they do it.
Or we could watch a movie such as Kidulthood/Adulthood which deals with issues such as violence, drugs, alcohol, sex and bullying.
I think any of these could be suitable for our field trip as they look at what we have been dealing with in class and with going to places where these 'bad' things happen it may give us an insight in to what other people think. By watching the movie we can see how things which are seen as bad by some people is portrayed within the movie.