Monday 26 April 2010

Illegal Downloading

If you ask almost anyone im sure that many have either personally illegally downloaded music/dvds etc, or have been given music from another person through a file sharer such as is capable upon MSN. I am only 18 and i know at high school and 6th form a number of friends were getting songs from the internet illegally. As much as yes by illegally downloading music we are affecting the profits of the artists and companies who make these types of media.

The article above i agree with that in hard times and singles cost £3-£5 we dont have the luxuries to spend £5 a time just for one song, an album we are more likely to purchase as you get more value for your money. However, the research shows that their has been an increase in the sale of video games so maybe our money is being spent elsewhere in the entertainment/media section.

It is morally wrong as it is as bad as stealing a CD from a music shop such as HMV, yes we are ruining popstars careers but im sorry most singers live pretty comfortably from their earnings we dont exactly see on the news stars sat on the streets due to people illegally downloading content.

However, i think when downloading should be severely clamped is when it is to do with children. It is a big issue and i dont know how people can want to watch such things, it makes me feel sick.
These sorts of things should not even be made never mind be accesible via internet sites. It really needs to be clamped down significantly to stop this grossly immoral business from working, and more needs to be done to anyone found to be downloading or producing that sort of material, their need to be stricter and more harsher laws in place.

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