Sunday 25 April 2010


Abortion in the UK is up to 24 weeks, two doctors must decide that the risk posed by continuing with the pregnancy is greater than the risks caused by having an abortion. There is no time limit on abortion where two doctors agree that a woman’s health is threatened by continuing the pregnancy or if the fetus is likely to be born with severe physical or mental difficulties. In the event that an abortion must be performed as a matter of medical emergency a second doctor’s agreement does not need to be sought.

Just by typing 'abortion' into google images, i was horrified by the shocking propaganda pictures put up by people to put across their view that it is wrong to have an abortion such as a picture of a pile of babies in a dustbin. I understand completly their point of view on the matter that it is a shocking and cruel matter to kill and unborn child. However, they need to think of the shocking and painful thoughts that must go through those womens heads who make the harsh decision to have an abortion as im sure by most women it is not a decision taken lightly.

It is a harsh and brutal decision in which people have to make about having an abortion and is opposed by so many as it is taking away the life of an innocent in what may be a bad situation. People who go through with an abortion are often left with mental scars for the rest of their life. I think more support needs to be out their for those who seek an abortion or more information as due to opposition advice locally is difficult to find.
I agree an awful lot with picture at the top of this blog that to have an abortion really is a personal choice not a political debate where people are terrified and ashamed to get advice or an abortion due to the pressure groups. People should not feel terrified by wanting to have a choice in what happens with their life, yes maybe they should have been more careful but maybe they took all the right precautions or were forced resulting in pregnancy.
You cant expect a woman who has been raped to keep the child unless she has an awful lot of strength which enables her to bring up the child with love and without bringing back awful images and feelings. It may well be immoral but the emotional torture those women have to put up with is alot to deal with and unless in the position of considering to have an abortion, who are we to judge.

1 comment:

  1. ok lets face it abortion happends. The idea of going to get information on abortion is BAD. But personally killing a unborn child is just sad, I totally agree with you on the fact that people need to think of the shocking and painful thoughts that must go through those womens heads who make the harsh decision to have an abortion as im sure by most women it is not a decision taken lightly. But I do feel abortion is not really taken seriously, it just seen "oh i am pregnant, there is always abortion". I understand the fact if someone is raped, then you can go have an aboirtion, but I know to manny people who don't take abortion seriously, and thats where it kills me to be honest, to go and have sex, but think about the precautions to them. But it is so true, the fact that it is more of a personal choice, and something the state can be involved in.....
