Friday 23 April 2010

Fast food

We all love food, no matter what it is. Fast food of some kind are on pretty much every street you can find, always a chippy/pizza place/kfc/McDonalds.
I cant say people who eat fast food several times a day is bad, because i'll put my hands up and say honestly most days i have at least one type of fast food whether it be a microwave meal or pizza/mcdonalds, but its because im never in when my parents have tea and im not the skinniest of girls im like a size 10/12 but im not over weight i have a normal healthy BMI.
The governments complain about the costs of having obese people in Britain and the cots on the NHS (1bn per year), but with fast foods not only being cheap, easy, and being on the corner of every road what do they expect? You go into supermarkets and the healthy stuff isnt cheap, for families on budgets they cant always afford the healthy food. Some people have to resort to microwave or more 'fatty' foods.

But can obesity be blames on your eating habits? I think to an extent yes the food you eat is a main decision on the outcome of your weight but i come from a family who are all large, the family genetics have meant that they have all been larger but they eat healthy and on diets etc and still not loosing the weight so i think genetics also have a big part to play in obesity. You will see a family and if they are all 'bigger' sized dont just automatically think they just eat alot, maybe its not their fault.

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