Wednesday 14 April 2010


Bullying is a big issue whatever your age and mainly takes place in schools or at the work place.
For the people out their that havent been bullied, all i can say is that you are one of the luckiest people out there.
I have been bullied several times and im only 18. In my first couple of years at primary school a girl in the year above kept picking on me, in the end my mom had to come in and have a word with the head teacher.
Then i got to secondary school and this is where my big problem with bullying came in, i got bullied for around 2-3 years on and off by the 'popular' group of boys and girls in my year, calling me names, pulling faces making gestures. Unfortunately they were in all my classes, i couldnt avoid them, i hated school so much at the time.

It really messed me up emotionally and knocked my confidence even more, even though my confidence was already at 0, i can still see them in my head now pulling faces at me etc and it hurts. To bully someone is awful and in a way i feel sorry for bullies, because if they feel no remorse about what they are saying and doing then they have sad lives to get a kick out of bullying someone because of the way in which they look. It is truly harmful and immoral for someone to bully another human being and some may suggest that they dont know better, but im sorry at secondary school your old enough to know what you are doing. People can kill themselves due to being bullied or abuse themselves i.e. self harm/starve themselves/skive school etc.

Bullying doesnt just have to be physical, majority of the time it can just be emotional, the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me", i believe is wrong because words can do just as much damage to people especially to those such as yourself is shy, vulnerable or lacks confidence. More needs to be done to stop bullying, i needed more support there from teachers at the time when i was being bullied, as the teachers never spotted the signs when yes i know people may say it was my responsibilty to say something, but when your so shy and scared of saying something your not going to.

To bully is wrong no matter whether if it be on the small or large scale. There are many sites online in which help children who are feeling threatended by bullies at school.

Children need to feel that if they are being bullied that they have the confidence to confide in a teacher, because if you dont stand up to them the bullying wont stop, the bullys will carry on until they get bored or find a new victim.

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