Monday 5 April 2010

Response to Hannah-Louise's Blog 'Abortion'

Link to post:

I agree with Hannah, she brings up some very important and key points about when abortion is and isnt acceptable.
I think it should be an option, as i know of 5/6 people from my school year who are only know 18/19 who have children of their own already, but had their been more accesible/easier option they may not have decided to keep them.
I think people who are victims of rape can not be expected to bring up that baby, reminding them of the pain and it would just be traumatising everytime they looked at their child.
I think something really needs to be done about abortions and soon. There needs to be more options out their, so that people have the choice. Many people dont want to put their child for adoption because who is it to say that a life in a 'home' is any better life, with no support network/relationships, they could spend many years in a care home just being another number.

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