Saturday 6 March 2010


Ashley Cole & Cheryl Tweedy.
Jude Law & Sienna Miller.
Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston.

All these celebrity couples above had been through their partnet cheating on them. I think to cheat on somebody is immoral especially when married and children are involved, if its not working then tell them break up/divorce its got to be better for the children if they are involved, well at least this is my view at the moment after watching the movie Unfaithful which shows a married woman with a child sleeping with a young man and the impacts it has on her husband when he finds out along with the family being let down by her and the emotional stress she puts herself under. When i watched the movie it actually made me upset as sad as that may be.
Cheating can seriously affect a person, especially if they have a shy/timid personality, cheating in a relationship can make you feel useless and can ruin your hopes of getting with anyone else for a long time.

If anyone can please, tell me of a reason when cheating is acceptable i would like to know. I dont think it is acceptable even if your partner has cheated you first and you want to get them back. Cheating all together is unacceptable and i think it is pretty low, no offence to anybody who has cheated by the way. I just think when its becomes a thing that has happened for weeks or months and has become more than just a kiss which as adults it probably will be, i just dont see how people can do this to their partners especially when they are married.

I think people turn to cheating when your feeling low or when you get bored in your relationship. Meeting someone new who you get on with can suddenly make you think 'oh i like them', and without thinking you start talking to them, seeing them all the time, without thinking of the people involved.

Let me know your thoughts, any bloggers out there willing to confess they had cheated and why they did? Id be interested to know.

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