Friday 12 March 2010

Lying with integrity

Myself... i will admit i lie pretty regularly. I do it mainly to get myself out of bad situations, in which i will become under threat from my friends, or which they may dislike, me i suppose its a sort of safety mechanism to stop myself being upset and others.
I feel lying isnt bad in many cases, to the extent in which their little white lies. lies become immoral and unreasonable in which they gain something from their lie, such as lying to Governments to receieve benefits, i believe falsely applying for benefits in which you are not truely eligible for is dispicable, when people who need those benefits can struggle to obtain them due to the regulations of many benefits.
I think lying done by many people can be done to save somebodys feelings as you care about them but dont want to upset them. I think to define lying is a difficult task, as lying can be so many different things, i would define lying to be, "changing the truth to help yourself but can be so much bigger as telling as false story", however this is the definition i found on the web, "the deliberate act of deviating from the truth" (
Lying is used by many people to get out of things in which they dont want to get involved with or in trouble, its just used generally as a way of gettin out of things. This guide on "lying" by the BBC, reinforces why i have spoken about and discusses who lies and why, i found this to be an interesting article about lying, especially the 4 main reasons they stated in which why people lie which were: fear, power, acceptance and habit.

Off the subject of lying, the other day i was in boots and i was waiting to be served and a woman at the till was being served and her child who was 3 or so years old was spitting from his pushchair at the customers in front of me and his mother did nothing and just let him carry on. I then was first in line waiting to be served when the child got out of his pushchair and stood infront of me spitting at me blowing a raspberry, he walked in a line past me to the customers behind and stood infront of each them and did the same. The one male customer, with a young child of his own started to get annoyed with the young lad and tried to get the attention of the mother in the queue as the child had been stood infront of him spitting at him for around 20 seconds and the mother when she turned around just simply said "ignore him he's after attention" yet we were ignoring him as best as possible, but being spat in the queue at boots is not what you expect. I dont know if maybe the mother was doing the right thing with her son, but i was disgusted that the child was purposely doing this to the customers and he knew exactly what he was doing.

Any Thoughts on this blog please feel free to leave comments.

Many Thanks

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