Saturday 13 March 2010


Masturbation is a topic in which many people do not talk about even though many people enjoy masturbation, but many people are to afraid to stay it still, even though were in the 21st century, "Despite this new attitude, the actual practice and discussion of masturbation continues to be a social taboo within most societies", (
It surprises me how very few people openly admit to masturbating, to even say the word or write it seems wrong and embarrasing for many people id imagine, yet why, we openly speak about many other things with little problem, like going to the toilet etc. We dont seem to have a problem saying most other things openly, but when it comes to masturbation we all become shy and blush.
In the 18th - 19th century, masturbation was seen as unhealthy, by many medical professionals, but now in the 21st century, it's is seen as very healthy and many do suggest masturbation but not as an every day 3 times a day thing. It's natural for us to be curious and want to masturbate, it is proven that Bonobo chimpanzees which share 98.4% of our DNA practiced masturbation, so maybe its just in our body to do it... its not wrong and i dont see why it so frowned upon by many, obviously some religous beliefs i can understand but many of the UK cant say that they masturbate because its not socially accepted.
I think we need to live in a society in which people can live with masturbation as being socially acceptable, and not such a secret that nobody can discuss. The website below i think is useful and tells you alot about masturbation and why it is like it is in todays society.

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