Sunday 14 March 2010

Bad Cinema- Kids.

This film based in New York city. It was an interesting, yet disturbing movie about what could be happening in many areas, all around the world. We all know this could be happrning but we dont want to admit to it. Things like this happend within todays society, throughout the UK, quite openly, many people just sleeping with people without thinking of the consequences in which are involved. I think this movie shows a true lighting of how society has been recently in which sex, drugs and violence has become the norm.
People have unprotected sex with strangers throughout the world, with not a care in the world for the consequences in which may happen.
This is not the only movie, which has been controversially made, recently has been the creation of the movies Kidulthood and Adulthood, which show the life of bullying, violence, sex and drugs. Many films just show how the real world is and when it is portrayed within movies, we cause a fuss and say how can this be accepted to be in a movie, but yet it goes on in many areas of the UK.
People have to wake up and realise what is going on, especially within the young generations, bullying, sex and drugs are becoming more prominant.

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