Monday 15 March 2010


I dont see why people do drugs, i have never tried them same as my friends from secondary school.

I have read that around just over 35% of children aged 15-16 have taken cannabis, which im shocked. I was only that age 3/4years ago and on my mind was not going out and trying drugs, many could say im a boring teenager, never been a drinker or smoker, but at 16 i was trying to keep my head down and get through school without being bullied as much as possible.
Many people take drugs when they are out on the town drinking, and i just dont see why, because if you cant enjoy yourself on alcohol then i dont see why taking drugs. I dont see why people cant just enjoy a night out up town without getting so pissed that they cant stand up and cause trouble in bars.
To many people think that drugs are a good things, that they make the night more enjoyable, im sure thats true at the time but the next day your in hospital or something, you cant rememeber whats happened, i dont see that to be such a good time in my eyes. There just poisoning themselves just to get a high.
There has recently been many campaigns on TV about drugs such as the driving on drugs, due to 1 in 10 young men saying they have driven under the influence of drugs. Along with pablo the drug mule dog and Talk to Frank, advert on the side affects of cocaine.
I will never do drugs as i dont see why you need to? They harm yourself and those around you if you become addicted and then get into the wrong crowds and then get into trouble, so why are drugs really worth it?
The article below talks about how taking drugs can kill people and ruin lives, by driving under the influence of drugs.

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