Thursday 4 March 2010

Prostitution, Shop-lifting and Stalking.


Many people look at prostitution as being horrible, dirty and disgusting. Very rarely do people think about what prostitutes have to put themselves through and how much danger they are potentially putting themselves through, it is a very dangerous and risky business prostitution is. Prostitution is up to the person them self... its a way of making money so let them do it as long as they are not causing problems for the public they may just try to be getting money for their family and you never know as people said in the lecture 'hey, they may just be good at it, so why shouldn't they'. I think we should give those people who are doing this a break, they have enough to contend with without people judging them, we don't know them or their life, so who are we to judge?
The one thing i have severe issues with is human trafficking, i think it is horrible bringing people in from other countries, much poorer countries than ourselves and promising them jobs, and then to be used to get the people who they stay with money. Many people though who come over from other countries are aware that they may be being brought over for the purpose of 'human trafficking'. I was astounded by the facts and figures which are in the link below showing the shocking numbers and conditions in which people are made to live with whilst being used for sex.


Well, shoplifting i do believe is wrong and pretty difficult to do if you ask me. I have been with my friends when they have stolen an earring from Claire's Accessories, makes me laugh because every time you go into their half of their earrings are missing and I'm like really who's going to wear odd earrings. I have shoplifted before when i was younger but accidentally as a pair of socks got stuck on the straps on my bag and i hadn't noticed and walked out of the shop and all the way down the street and not even been stopped. I think it is wrong to shoplift but i think many people do it because the modern world especially the UK have become greedy, lending money for stuff we don't need, always wanting what we cant afford and don't really need. The personal debt in which we all have from just wanting many items that in fact we don't need is showing in this economic change, i was shocked when i read the statistics below on debt within the UK.
This could be the reason in which people feel the need to shoplift within the UK, they do not have the income or the resources in which they can live a comfortable life, with having to pay rent/tax/utility bills. Found this on the web just, which supports what i said about not having the money in the recession to afford what you may want.
None of these articles above actually surprised me as people are feeling the squeeze of living in the recession, people can no longer live in the luxury in which we once used to and the ever increasing prices of day to day items is causing stress for people. Shoplifting i believe is wrong but can we do in this recession people are struggling to cope without stealing their family may not be able to eat better especially if they have children.
Many people within the lecture when discussed was it right or not agreed that stores make a large sum of money daily and that one piece or so is not going to truly affect their sales as they can order more in and £10 profit won't be missed all that much by companies who make £1000's of pounds a day such as Supermarkets. But i read the article below and it blames peoples 'grazing' whilst shopping around the store for the credit crunch I'm sorry to say but i don't think people eating something around their stores is really going to make a big dent on their incomes, read the article for yourself and let me know your thoughts on it, the link is below.


Stalking, its difficult to be able to constitute what stalking actually is, it is seen differently by everyone. It can be, someone talking/texting/calling you every second to find out what your doing when you don't want to know... to people following you around the town centre and hacking into your email/social networking sites to see what your up to. When we discussed this within lecture we discussed it being when the person won't admit it or when they are accused they are offended.
Stalking is becoming a big issue through the Internet with younger users of the Internet becoming under threat by older people pretending to be a younger age to get to meet them so called 'cyberstalking'. This is a serious issue and has become a very big point with TV advertisements and Commercial news doing special stories on it, letting people especially parents know the danger in which their children could be facing. I thought this article below was shocking and portrays what is happening worldwide without many people knowing and the dangers in which the Internet can cause.
We all could be accused of cyberstalking through the joys in which we all use the social networking sites, such as facebook, twitter and the once upon a time favourite myspace. We see a comment on a friends page from someone we know we then go and look at it then, their page, next thing we know were reading up on them and what they are doing.. yes this is classed as stalking... i must say on a few occasions myself i have done this but oh well, its not harming anyone. The only time in which i think stalking is bad is when one person usually the 'stalker' gets emotions for the other person whether it be ones of anger or love... they can cause problems for the person being stalked and can ruin peoples life's, many people who are stalked can suffer from "post traumatic stress to the same degree as someone who has suffered an airline crash"... the effects of stalking can be read in this article which i found to be interesting and insightful in to the actual psychological and emotional torment stalking can create for victims.

Hope this blog has covered many questions associated with many issues as seen being bad. Feel free to leave comments and discuss what you feel about these issues.

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