Thursday 25 March 2010

tatoos and body modification


Many people between the age of around 15-30 probably have a tattoo, many people have one whether it be a small one on their arm/hand/back/hip/foot or a large one which covers a large part of their body. I have no real problems with people having tattoos i think simple designs in nice places, look really nice, as much as i like them i could never get a tattoo done myself, i think i will stick to having the stick on ones which last a few days. I just couldnt go through the pain of having it done for it to either get infected, go wrong or later in life decide you dont want it especially those people who have names tattoed on themselves, and then later having to have them removed.
The website above i think just shows how important it is to make sure people think carefully about the type of tattoo they want and where, as it can cost alot to get it re done. My sister has not long had her first tattoo done at the age of 25 along the bottom of her back and she had to have it done twice as the first time it didnt heal properly, even though she didnt have to pay again she had to go through having it done again.
In this day and age many celebrities have tattos, such as Angelina Jolie, Rihanna, Megan Fox, David Becham, Jessicca Alba, Peaches Geldof, Pink, Victoria Beckham, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Alyssa Milano, Beyonce Knowles, Nicole Richie, Jonny Depp, Drew Barrymore, Katie Price, Brad Pitt, Eva Longoria and Cheryl Tweedy.
Many big celebrities have tattoos as you can see from the list above from the website cited above, i think in a way seeing a celebrity with a tattoo on TV can make us think we want ourselves. I think it is up to the person individually if it is something that looks nice and isnt too big then i have no real problem but when people get themselves tattood all over their body i just think that is over the top and most of the time looks awful.

Another big problem i have is piercings, myself i only have 1 set of piercings in my ears which i had when i was little. Many people in my year at school in about year 9 or so all the 'popular' kids had their belly buttons pierced and i dont see the big craze over it myself, yes they can look nice but thats all, and in Britain when do you really get to show your stomach off anyway with our British weather. I couldnt be pierced i have a real phobia of needles. Before i went with my friend who was getting her nose pierced in the town centre and she wanted to hold my hand because she was scared and i just couldnt watch or hear the sound of the nail gun, makes me cringe. Many of my friends have got more than one piercing, i have nothing against them at all but its just not for me, i dont know how people can get piercings by ripping a hole in your skin.
I found this article on the internet about Catholics and how they have to take many things in to consideration before getting a tattoo/piercing have a look at this short article i think it is interesting.
I was horrified to see this picture of someone who has a piercing in their eyelid, i felt sick just thinking about having my eye lid pierced, take a look for yourself.

The article above shows a set of data, on the number of different types of procedures that have been carried out within the UK in the year 2008-2009. I was shocked by the high numbers of people getting surgery, surgery still predominantly being undertaken on women, but more men are getting surgery to change the way in which they look. With women still the main surgery is on their breasts, i understand that if you are smaller cupped that you may feel less of a woman, less femine but when you are a reasonable size like a B/C cup i do not see the need why women need to increase their size, but this could be because the way in which women are portrayed in magazines, so we dont feel beautiful if we dont look the way in which models/celebrities do. Many operations to change our bodies can go wrong, especially when many travel from the UK to have Europe to have the surgery done cheaper, but isnt this just putting your life at severe risk? Im not saying that every cosmetic surgeon in Europe do 'bodge' jobs but many people can be affected badly by the procedure which they have.
I would not have surgery to change the way in which my body looks, all i can do is deal with the way in which i look nothing more, i would not go through surgery to make myself look better. Has anybody had any surgery, has it made you feel better or do you have any regrets, would be interested if you have any stories you would like to share.

I think all tattoos and body modification is upto the individual and not upto to others to decide whether they are acceptable or not.

There are no real risks when it comes to tattoos or piercings, but other things like surgeries to enhance your looks/features can be scary and can go wrong.

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