Thursday 1 April 2010

Response to Gemma's Blog on Lying - "What you dont know wont hurt you"

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I was really interested by this blog, and agree with everything she says. She makes some very valid points that we all lie in life, even thought it may be to spare someone's feelings, most people find out the life in the end, unless you are as Emma says have a 'talent' at lying. Its hard to pull of a lie.
I mean really how many people can honestly say thay have lied and not been found out eventually?
I was really intrigued by the website found by Emma, was shocked and surprised that many people were asking for help with lying, as it had become such a big part in their life and was messing their life and they are scared of loosing their family.
Many people think lying is simple, but i think in actual fact it is a complex task in which you sometimes you get stuck in. Many people have to cover one lie with another lie and before you know it you get stuck in a circle of lies.

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