Wednesday 21 April 2010


Many youngsters play truent and avoid school in the UK for periods of time. In 2003 they suggested that around 1/5 of secondary school pupils missed at least 15 half days of school(BBC, 2003) then in 2005 the figures showed that 55,000 pupils were missing classes every day during the school year which was an annual increase of about 4,500(BBC, 2005). Today again they reckon truency is on the increase due to the truency crackdown as schools are discouraging parents to take children out of school for holidays or dentists appointment. (The Independent, 2010)

I started to avoid going to school in year 10 for around 6weeks i missed the same class every week, my teacher started to notice this as she had some me around school in the day time, she got suspicious and started checking with reception to see if i had signed out of school, she started to ring the house phone on some days to get in contact with me, the fact was not that i didnt like the lesson but i didnt like my teacher. She taught me again last year in my final year of ALevels and i missed her lessons again and yet again we clashed and for the first few weeks we didnt get along and she started following me around the school and found out what class i was in before hers and make sarcastic comments about me not turning up.
However this is not the case for all the pupils some people just dont want to be there, i think more needs to be done for those who start to play truent but on whole have a good record for being at lessons on time, as this could signify bullying or other problems that may be bothering the pupil, which is the reason they are not attending school.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Keeleigh that some people might play truant for many reasons. The example she gave (because of teachers) I could actually relate to, as I have truanted for similar reasons- but for the simple fact I did not like or enjoy the lesson and I found it boring. I also feel more could be done by teaching staff to make children feel engaged and happier in lessons, so that truancy does not occur.
