Thursday 1 April 2010

Response to Laura Gambles 'Being Bad Part 2' Blog.

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Laura's blog was interesting, i think it brought up issues in which i had not thought of such as parents making children feel bad for a better outcome. This happens, parents can become pushy/overcontrolling and tormenting at times in some situations, taunting you about things in which upsets you.
Myself was bullied throughout my time at primary and secondary schools and i really did not want to go back to the school or attend my classes as the 2 main girls who were bullying happened to before and after me in the school register for my year and so i ended up sitting inbetween my 2 bullies in the majority of my classes. It was torture and dreaded every single class.

About stalking, i agree that maybe when people go out they show off to much/or cover to little and so some people may become obsessed. In some ways i agree with Laura that this could be the girls fault, some people are easily obsessed, they may have mental issues or severe insecurities and giving mixed messages, or the wrong signal can cause bad affects.

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