Thursday 1 April 2010

Response to Mrs Brightside 'The Joys Of Public Transport' Blog

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I myself, get public transport to and from pretty much everywhere. I myself on many occasions have been on a bus, when some trouble maker teen gets on who think they own the bus and give you dirty looks, with their music booming its way through the bus, which is never good especially when you have a headache.
I find it horrible when im sat on the bottom floor of a bus and its pretty much full, yet the seat next to me is always last to be filled and i dont understand why, the only thing i can think of is because i am a teenager. Am i really that unapproachable to sit next to on a bus for a whole 10-15minute journey.

Many teens get seen as trouble, when in fact many of us cause no trouble and are genuinely nice. I agree entirely with the blog, that id much rather talk to anyone other than teens who think that they are all that.

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