Saturday 17 April 2010


I may be one of the very few 18 year olds who do not actually drink alcohol. I don't like the taste of most drinks and it generally makes me feel worse than better. I drink only 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks when i go out up town or when out in general. I'd say on average i have about less than 20 alcoholic drinks in a year.
I have nothing against alcohol or the people who do drink if its their way of enjoying themselves, but i think people need to consider the affects on their health, it can damage your liver over time, and i think can seriously alter somebodys mood in just a minute from enjoying yourself to become angry or violent.
I think to drink and when i say drink i mean to the extent where your unable to walk, or do simple things in a safe manner, then thats where things become risky and dangerous. Drinking makes many people, vulnerable and not care. You hear so many stories of people having one night stands, which fair enough is their own decision i'm not here to pass judgement on that but if its unprotected and they become pregnant, it shocks me how many women do not know who they slept with they dont even have a name or they have been with to many people they do not know who their childs father could be. I think teenagers need to begin to take more responsibility for themselves when they are out drinking and be aware of who are around them, because if you look vulnerable or that drunk to care i think people will take advantage of the situation.

There are campaigns everywhere and news stories about drinking to much and knowing your limits. Drink Aware is well known and there for people who want information if they think are having too much to drink. Below are just a few sources of information about smoking and getting help and the effects drinking has upon your health.

Another point with drinking is driving, i dont know how people can even put their foot in their car and drive it when they have been drinking, i mean if you have walked to your car, been sick, shouted, sang and are unable to walk in a straight line then i think its obvious you shouldnt drive. Your not only putting the public in danger but also yourself.

I believe the Government have done as much as they really can do, they can not really do much, it is upto the public to be sensible enough and if they are caught they know the repocussions of their actions.
However, i do feel that the police force need to have more of a role in stopping drink driving and be largely inforced in areas where alot of clubs are, to keep an eye on problems that may arise from groups of anti-social drinkers.

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