Wednesday 28 April 2010


"The practice of killing a human being or animal for humane reasons, especially one suffering greatly or experiencing poor quality of life; An easy death, or the means to bring about such a death". It is a very controversial subject with the population being split upon whether euthanasia should be legal or not.

In the UK it is illegal to carry out any sort of Euthanasia, many people have fought for the right for their partners to end their life due to severe illnesses in which they no longer wish to suffer the effects of.

The website below shows the statistics of peoples opinion on when they think euthansia should be an option. 86% accept that euthanasia should be available for people who have incurable illnesses and 80% agree when the patient is dying and in alot of pain and ask for their life to be ended.
I think euthanasia should be an option for those, who doctors agree have no chance of being concious again and having to be on life support machines just to keep them breathing.

More countries are beginning to consider allowing euthanasia to be legal in their country such as Sweden which this article shows the mayhem it has caused within the country with people agreeing and disagreeing over how this choice to allow euthanasia to be legal.

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