Tuesday 4 May 2010


Okay everytime i seem to go to university i get distracted and have an urge to go looking around the shops even though i seriously have no room for clothes, i keep having to put things back in the wash because i simply dont have the room at all lol.
"Statistics, however, are not on my side. British women spent £17.9 billion on clothes, £2 billion on shoes and £2.5 billion on underwear last year, according to Mintel. The average wedding now costs over £20,000, implying that plenty of couples are more concerned with canapés and cut flowers than they are with, say, a sizeable deposit for their first home" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/3559358/Shopping-obsession-sells-women-short.html

The article below annoys me that i am a high street shopper due to not having a credit or debit card, so i have to shop on the high street so i am being charged more even though i'm not asking for packaging, delivery or postal charges. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/consumertips/household-bills/7607207/Shoppers-hit-by-high-street-tax.html

http://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/2010/04/09/2010-04-09_gals_spend_hour_a_day_shopping.html Many people would agree that shopping is quite addictive not by men particularly but by women most definantly, i think we shop even though we dont need to, if you have no pulls on your financial resources such as myself you are most likely to spend your money on things you dont actually need, you just want. I constantly want a new phone because i get bored so easily with them after a couple of months. Shopping is done as it is what you want and not necessarily what you need.

I have recently been shocked by the amount in which i spent so i now think about do i really need this and most the time put it back realising i dont need this i just think i do in my head.... obsession or not?? "an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone" (http://www.google.co.uk/url?q=http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn%3Fs%3Dobsession&ei=-VHgS5e0GZOy0gTkjsigCA&sa=X&oi=define&ct=&cd=1&ved=0CBMQpAMoAA&usg=AFQjCNGHWC5lfm8edcgYj_8ccrPdLjbOvQ)

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