Thursday 1 April 2010

Response to Mrs Brightside's 'A moment on the lips...' Blog.

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This post i totally 100% agreed with it is so true. We look at magazines and all it is picking up on celebrities faults because they have cellutlite, spots or just being pictured badly.
It gets me mad when you look in a magazine and a celebrity is a size 10 and the magazines are complaining that they have put on weight! I'm like seriously they are a size 10, they are more than healthy.
This constant media attack on size and beauty is having severe affects on young people's health. I once stopped eating because at secondary school i put weight on alot faster than many people in my year, i felt fat and ugly. Im now around a size 10 and 12, i'm not skinny, i dont think i ever will be, my family are all on the larger side, ive done well to keep the weight off as it is.
I do eat alot of ready meal and fast food meals but that is my choice. Im not going to starve myself to fit in to how im meant to look.
I agree with all is said in the post, i myself never feel thin enough due to bullying and many other people around me being super skinny.

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